​Can Mizoram really top the list for most porn views? Find out why we think NOT

06th August 2015, 07:08AM

According to a survey conducted by Pornhub in India, Mizoram tops the list of Page Viewed Per Visit as well as the Average Visit Duration.

The administrators of inkhel.com, a sports website in Mizoram, refuse to believe this for a number of reasons.

Mizoram, like most of the other states of North-east India, does not have proper and efficient Internet service compared to the plain areas. The average Mizo has only been using Internet broadband since the last six years. The biggest Internet service provider in Mizoram is BSNL which does not provide direct IP. This makes it rather obvious that it is impossible to make an accurate count of visitors of any site.

Inkhel.com supposedly does not have any visitor from Mizoram!! Considering that Inkhel.com is mostly in Mizo language, this is an unbelievable tale told by Google analytics. This website has about 40,000 visitors daily, and it does not take much logic to figure out that most of the visitors would be Mizos from Mizoram though there are a handful of visitors from Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Guwahati and other places as well. That the Overview would show that there are no visitors of Inkhel.com from Mizoram tells of the pathetic condition of Internet service in Mizoram.

Besides, the current condition of Internet in Mizoram does not really facilitate watching videos online. Very few privileged consumers can avail of the 4mbps plan which comes to about Rs. 1450 a month while the average user spends about Rs. 1000 a month on a plan with reduced services. Every consumer who uses BSNL broadband in Mizoram can attest for its irregularity and inefficiency, and mostly the excruciatingly slow speed of the Internet. Such circumstances make it impossible for users to watch videos. Inkhel.com has also noticed that interesting videos shared are viewed by only about 20% of visitors as the rest are most likely unable to. So, users prefer to download torrent videos instead of watching them online. And there is simply no way that Pornhub could count such downloads as part of their site traffic.

Some people surmise that the survey must have been done percentage wise. But, this too does not seem plausible. The total population of Mizoram is a little over 10 lakhs out of which Internet users would hardly number up to a lakh. Users who have access to Internet with a tolerable speed are mostly concentrated in and around Aizawl. And it would be a very generous suggestion to say that such users would be around 3000 or 4000 if a headcount was to be made. They amount upto just 0.3 to 0.4 % of the total population.

According to Pornhub, viewers from Mizoram mainly go for the Indian Sex category. This, again, is rather unbelievable. Most of the Mizo people who do watch porn do not watch Indian sex as they prefer foreign ones. This is evident from the CD Video libraries which were in vogue just some few years ago. These libraries never stacked Indian sex videos.

Inkhel.com, therefore, asserts with conviction that the survey conducted by Pornhub is greatly flawed, and not to be believed.

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